
This is Willy holding the sign for Cuppy's Coffee. Cuppy's Coffee is located on Drake near the train tracks in Drake Professional Park in Fort Collins, CO. Willy does this sometimes from 12 - 2 and 3 - 4 Mondays through Thursdays. Cuppy's Coffee is a great place to get coffee AND smoothies, and bakery items as well as a drop off location for local farms. In a furry taste test, it beat Starbucks anyday. (Besides the fact that Starbucks has increased their prices, and Cuppy's Coffee has not!) http://www.costumesfc.com/ If you like these videos, feel free to subscribe! Follow us on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/costumesfc and on Facebook (search costumes fc, with a space), and on flickr (check our website)