
Update: Thanks to inputs from commenters, here's the possible source of this : http://www.abhydroponics.com.au/page/fodder_machine.html The specs all match up. So, due credits: This video is by A&B Hydroponics International, based in Australia. You can contact them on http://www.abhydroponics.com.au/ This system is called a vertical RGS - Rotating Growing System Disclaimer: I don't own this video and don't have any copyright on it. I am just another viewer in whose lap a copy of this vid fell. I'm amazed at the amount of attention it's received. What they've done could possibly be replicated or taken forward around the world - individual farmers and collectives can multiply their yields and break free from overdependence on fertilizers/pesticides and also consume much less water this way. I don't have any more technical info than what the viewer can glean from this video on their own.. and at present I'm NOT involved in any such project. All the very best to all those who want to give this a shot.. do put up more info of your own and post its link here! Help us caption & translate this video! http://amara.org/v/BgKE/