
Full post: http://blog.brightagrotech.com/navigating-zoning-regulations-for-urban-farms || Mitch Hagney is the operator of Local Sprout, a vertical urban farm in San Antonio, Texas. Local Sprout grows fresh produce in a variety of ways, serving their community year round. We've known Mitch for a while, but we got the chance to chat with him in person at the 4th Annual Indoor Ag Con in Las Vegas. We were delighted to hear that Local Sprout is growing as strong as ever, having diversified revenue streams in really interesting ways, and navigated the maze of zoning and regulation laws that come with urban farming. We know that for many urban farmers, zoning is a “dark area” with very little info to go by. Fortunately, Mitch was able to give us some helpful tips, which we captured here for you. We especially loved Mitch's top piece of advice for new farmers! (Check it out in the video.) Local Sprout: http://www.localsprout.com/ Indoor Ag Con: https://indoor.ag/