
In this film and following report, the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) reveals the extent of the destruction caused by the shrimp farming industry. Our increased consumption of tropcial shrimp, also called prawns and sometimes scampi, can be traced to coastal regions in the tropic where ecosystem where the ecosystems have been devastated and people are living in miserable conditions, their human rights repeatedly violated. When an increased number of people choose tropical prawns in their curry, on their sushi or in their stir fry, it is causing increased environmental degradation and human suffering in producer countries, like Bangladesh. Don't miss the short animated version of this movie "Keep tiger prawns off your plate" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riIn4RSwYGE&feature=relmfu More information: http://www.naturskyddsforeningen.se/in-english/marine-ecosystems-and-fisheries/shrimp-farming-in-bangladesh/ Production company: Eco Storm