
The Best Time to Pick Your Avocados from your Tree http://www.pottedvegetablegarden.com/guide-to-urban-gardening-ebook-sale.html Many home gardeners who love to grow fruit really can struggle about when the best time of the year it is to pick those delicious healthy fruits. The farmers do it by using a test kit to check how much oil is available. If you pick them too early they don't ripen properly and they also lack the flavour. But, when you harvest them at the correct time they can be on of the most tasty, healthy fruits on the planet. So, when do we pick them? Right when the tree is in flower and the buds are just about to open for pollination. Yes, then place them in a nice cool dark spot out of the sun or on a windowsill like I do until they start to soften. If you do this you will really notice the difference they are just so creamy. The fruits can take anywhere from 5 to 10 days to ripen up depending on the weather. If you would like to learn more about growing food at home successfully please click the link above and head over to my popular website "The Potted Vegetable Garden" and I will see you there! Happy Gardening Marty Ware