
We pride ourselves on being a nation of animal-lovers and our rules on pig welfare are among the strictest in the world. But we need to face the truth about the pork we buy in shops and supermarkets. 54% of the pork consumed in the UK is imported from abroad, with the pigs raised under conditions that would be illegal in the UK. These giant, corporate owned pig factories take advantage of cheap labour and lax enforcement of welfare laws, to produce cheap pork that is pushing British farmers to face bankruptcy, or break the law. Yet we can act. By using our power as consumers, we can change the system by only choosing pork that carries the high welfare labels; RSPCA Assured, Free Range, Outdoor Bred or Organic. The power is in our purse. Find out more: http://www.farmsnotfactories.org Read the full article in the Mail on Sunday: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3704974/Meet-militant-marchioness-Armed-camera-sheer-bravado-rebel-aristocrat-flouts-law-daring-mission-save-pigs-sickening-conditions-endure-British-farms.html