
T/I: 10:51:24 FE 10:16:58 Once a flourishing business, the fur market was one of Russia's most prestigious traditions. Now all that is left are dying minks and sables, starvation, and deserted cages. With the opening of Russia to liberal markets, Russia's state monopoly disintegrated and fur farms had to find private clients. The Zara collective farm, in the St. Petersburg region, is one of the farms that just ran out of money. The animals are not fed anymore and 5,000 sables have already died in the past month. SHOWS: ST PETERSBURG, RUSSIA, RECENT WS St Petersburg street; Ext. fur shop; INT. fur shop, woman models coat; Woman trying on fur coat; WS fur farm; Woman holding two dead sables; Dead sables; CU dead sables; Woman putting dead animals in a box; PAN woman bringing out box with dead animals; Woman putting dead animals in a hole; MS woman; MS hole full of dead sables; SOT: (in Russian) Tamara Tiromirovoi, staff of the fur farm, "To tell you the truth, it is a real pain for us, you can't talk of it without tears, after 20 years of working here I have to bury animals who died from starvation, this is awful"; WS woman putting food on cages; CU sables eating food; CU sable; PAN woman putting sable in cage; 1.53 You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/9f5c63d3aef4b5e155d5ae675cb2d22a Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork