
http://www.opsgear.com/index/page/product/product_id/2991/category_id/324/category_chain/324/product_name/%22You+Have+to+Live+Hard+to+Be+Hard%22+by+Dan+Laguna+-+Hard+Cover+Copy "My attention was diverted to the east where I could see dozens, maybe a hundred or more insurgents gathering. The insurgents saw us land and within a couple of minutes there were dozens of enemy fighters racing toward us. I noticed that several Iraqi policemen were standing on the roof of the MInistry of Health building, and I was frustrated to see the Iraqi policemen, who were supposed to be on our side, pointing out our position to the insurgents. I knew we didn't have much time. There was no way the four of us could defend our position. If we stayed there, we would certainly be killed. Our best option seemed to be starting up the damaged helicopter and attempting to clear the surrounding buildings and fly the hundred or so yards to the Tigris River, then along the river back to LZ Washington. Even if we crash-landed in route, we couldn't be in a worse situation than what we already faced. As the three of us jumped back into the helicopter, I shouted, "Cyrus Crank it up, and let's get out of here!" - Excerpt from You Have to Live Hard to Be Hard by Dan Laguna with Michael S. Wren.FEATURES Hard cover copy Documentation of one man's life in special operations