
NEW 1.11+ FARM HERE: https://youtu.be/MK_qVaG_kw0 https://youtu.be/MK_qVaG_kw0 https://youtu.be/MK_qVaG_kw0 .. .. 1.8 brought around a whole host of new features. The iron trap door allowed me to make a very small, compact fishing farm! I'm simply in love with this farm and think it's a must-have for any Minecrafter's base! TIME REFERENCES Step One: Frame @ 0:23 Step Two: Redstone @ 1:18 Step Three: Finishing Touches @ 3:05 Step Four: How It Works @ 3:35 EXTRA INFORMATION: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Fishing_Rod REQUIRED BLOCKS: Solid blocks, chests, droppers, hoppers, iron trap door, stone pressure plate, cobblestone wall, carpet, glass, redstone torch, redstone dust, repeaters, tripwire hooks, string, lever, stairs, water, door, item frames, fish, fishing pole. TROUBLESHOOTING: 1. Make sure your repeaters are timed appropriately. 2. Step as far forward as you can to reach the trapdoor. 3. Yes, it will work underground, just at lower rates. 4. If the timing seems off, adjust either of the 3 tick repeaters. 5. Check the wiki for what poles give the best rates. If you're still having problems, ask below and hopefully another TUTor will help you! FOR THE TUT-ORS: Auto Melon Farm: http://bit.ly/1Kz7W1j Simple Iron Golem Farm: http://bit.ly/1aa0xAQ Bulk Sugarcane Farm: http://bit.ly/1Kat1i7 5-Option Chicken Farm: http://bit.ly/1PBYL6u New Blaze Spawner Farm: http://bit.ly/1LuAs4w --------------------------------- Check out the NimsGaming Livestreams! http://www.twitch.tv/nimsgaming Maybe do that Twitter thing with me? http://twitter.com/PhilipNims Become a Patron and support NimsTUTS! https://www.patreon.com/NimsTV ---------------------------------