
http://www.legacyfarmsandranchesnc.com/fox-spring-farm-in-black-horse-run NC Horse Farm for Sale in Bahama North Carolina on 6 acres! Located in Black Horse Run (an equestrian community in Bahama, North Carolina) The current home is situated on the location of the original farm house built in 1850. People were not in a hurry to locate their homes in rural North Carolina during the 1800s; they took the time to find the very best location for their family and generations to come. Set in the shade of 60’ tall black walnut trees, the current home is on the exact site where the original was built. Fox Spring Farm FireplaceThe fireplace and hearth are made from the original fireplace’s fieldstones. Original large foundation stones are extensively used in the new home’s landscaping. The original hand-dug well has been repointed and topped with original hand-made bricks salvaged from the old farmhouse; a drive and walkway surround the well and garden permitting views from all angles. The original farm’s log cabin and outdoor kitchen have been reconditioned for storage of essential horse farm equipment and materials. A well worn footpath from the original dirt road leading to the farmhouse travels through the trees to the current homes front door. Black Horse Run Farm 4Current pasture 4-board fence lines follow the original fencing and are lined by mature cedar trees. Water hydrants serve all four pastures and turnout areas. Electricity for illumination and winter time water temperature control are provided to the winter pasture and turnout area. Proper pasture rotation ensures there is always a supply of green grass available for your horses. The 36×36’ raised center isle Barn Master stable has four-rubber matted stalls, a tack room and sufficient storage for many months’ hay supply. There are ceiling fans above all four stalls. Hot and cold running water is supplied to the tack room and isle. Tongue and groove pine is used extensively on the stall fronts and in the tack room. Although located in the heart of the 550 Acre Black Horse Run of Durham, you are hard pressed to find a view of your neighbors. It is a 15-minute hike to the 2,450 acre Hill Forest preserve, one of the hunting territories for a local foxhunt club, the Red Mountain Hounds http://friendsofhillforest.org/index.php Black Horse Run is also within 2-miles of the famous Quail Roost Farm. http://quailroostfarm.com/