
1. Wide of crowds at Hero's Day celebrations 2. Crowds 3. Procession bearing coffin draped in Zimbabwean flag (with body of Bernard Chidzero, economist and former finance minister who died on Thursday, aged 75) 4. Cutaway statue of independence heroes 5. Government official 6. Military take their seats on podium 7. Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe arriving in procession 8. Wide shot of stationary procession with coffin and crowds 9. Close up Mugabe, pull out as he mounts steps to podium 10. Soldiers in honorary procession 11. Close up Mugabe 12. Wide shot crowds 13. Mugabe speaking at podium 14. SOUNDBITE: (English) Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwean President "We shall keep a watchful eye on what is happening on the farms. Those who think Ian Smith can rally the white folk as he did in the UDI (Unilaterally Declared Independence by the government in 1965) days and rally them for another war should think again when there is still time for them to do so. That is all I am going to say to them at this stage. All genuine and well meaning white farmers who wish to pursue a farming career as loyal citizens of this country have land to do so. We have been generous. No farmer we said need go without land. But what we will not accept is that they should have two farms, more farms, 135,000 hectares. To all this, no." 15. Cutaway wide shot crowds 16. SOUNDBITE: (English) Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwean President "We are not for sale, Zimbabwe is not for sale and Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans. We are not for the highest bidder in Europe or elsewhere. And let Mr Blair hear it - indeed we are not for the British leader either." 17. Cutaway military officer 18. SOUNDBITE: (English) Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwean President "Our heroes would scorn us if we turned out to be a mere banana republic which waxes and wanes as pleases the powerful. They (the heroes) expect us to be brittle, very brittle, rigid and enduring when it comes to our sovereignty and personality. Britain, Europe and America can impose sanctions or do worse devilish things. Let Europe in the name of their monstrous god banish all holy men as they have done with the likes of Bishop Kunonga (in favour of white farm seizures)." 19. Wide shot crowds 20. Wide shot men carrying banner saying 'Zimbabwe will never be a colony again' STORYLINE: President Robert Mugabe on Monday ordered white farmers defying eviction orders to pack up and leave Zimbabwe but said loyal farmers willing to cooperate with his government would not be left landless. After ignoring government orders throwing them off their land, hundreds of white farmers had anxiously awaited Mugabe's annual Hero's Day address to the nation, marking the guerrilla war that ended white rule more than two decades ago. The deadlock between white farmers and the government continued for a fourth day on Monday. Farmers remaining on their land reported no official action to evict them by force since the deadline at midnight on Thursday. Mugabe stopped short of calling for immediate action against defiant farmers but said those who wanted another war should think again while there was still time. Mugabe said no white farmer need go without land but his government would not allow whites to remain on large properties or own more than one farm while clinging to ties with Britain, the former colonial power. You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/0bc6b151693fc0142546c9276aba4d4f Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork