
Welcome to Mope! Mope.io is a brand new .io game where you enter the arena as a mouse and as you grow larger, you change animals. The bigger you get, the more you can eat! ► Support Blitz on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/Blitzkriegsler - - - - - Here are some other suggested playlists for your entertainment: ► Totally Accurate Battle Simulator: http://bit.ly/TABSGameplay ► Prison Brawl: https://youtu.be/C6YACpxwiH4 ► Let's Play Reigns! http://bit.ly/ReignsGame - - - - - Welcome to Mope.io! The brand new addictive free game with crazy gamelay. Mope.io is similar to games like Agar.io and games like slither.io and games like diep.io where gameplay revolves around eating berries and drinking water to stay alive. The more berries you eat, the faster you level up into different animals. - - - - - Music used in this video: Itro & Tobu - Cloud 9 [NCS Release] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtKbiyyVZks Twitter https://twitter.com/tobuofficial - - - - - - Want more Blitz? Check these links out: Subscribe: http://bit.ly/Sub2Blitz Twitter: https://twitter.com/Blitzkriegsler Steam Group: http://bit.ly/BlitzsSteam Unboxing Videos - http://bit.ly/BlitzUnboxing Giveaway Videos - http://bit.ly/BlitzsGiveaways Channel Updates - http://bit.ly/BlitzsUpdates