
Top 5 XP farms in Minecraft in survival! Each one of those is unique in it's own way and has it's own advantages and disadvantages. More videos like this: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIRR9clro4hRjpNnI46YvEon4oeWbJRV4 1. Enderdragon XP farm 05:11 - 06:43 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIcUcPy6zio&list=PLIRR9clro4hRjpNnI46YvEon4oeWbJRV4 - Panda4994 2. Cactus XP Farm 03:47 - 05:10 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W87W36RoUio&list=PLIRR9clro4hRjpNnI46YvEon4oeWbJRV4 - Okta 3. AFK XP Farm 02:32 - 03:46 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQty0vyGpBA&list=PLIRR9clro4hRjpNnI46YvEon4oeWbJRV4 - minecraftbots 4. Enderman XP Farm 01:35 - 02:31 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMbn3-_6so0&list=PLIRR9clro4hRjpNnI46YvEon4oeWbJRV4 - Docm77 5. Blaze XP Farm 00:30 - 01:34 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiMIco7uk3A&list=PLIRR9clro4hRjpNnI46YvEon4oeWbJRV4 - Okta ——————————————————— Social: Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/NiceMarkMC Google+ - http://www.google.com/+NiceMarkMC ——————————————————— Donate - http://bit.ly/DonateNiceMarkMC Make sure to leave a rating & a comment! Subscribe for more videos :-) If you recently subscribed, make sure you tick the "Send me updates" box so you don't miss any new videos from me! - https://www.youtube.com/subscription_manager?q=NiceMarkMC