
Hey guys! Welcome back to another episode of Magic Farm! In today's episode, I have decided it's high time to start working on my flowers. And by flowers I mean bees. BEES! I've got the bee houses, but now I need to put them somewhere useful. So it's time for a contraption! Also, I am just not producing enough coal to run the quarry. So, I need to come up with a relatively low-maintenance way to get steady charcoal. Solution: Forestry's managed farms. But I don't have NEAR the supplies handy to build that, yet. Also, the download for this map will be available every 10 episodes over here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1946436-magic-farm-lp-exhibition/ So feel free to take a look. Just remember, I activate ALL the Biomes O Plenty biomes in the config file. If you don't, your world will look notably different from mine outside the explored areas.