
http://www.NewEnglandDogNews.com brings you reviews, photos, maps and video of dog parks in New England. Here is our review of Franklin Dog Park in Franklin, Massachusetts. In our video we hope to help dog owners find dog parks in their area and give them all the information they need to decide which park is best for them. We are the first resource that gives video reviews, written reviews, photos and maps of dog parks in New England. Our intro shows the drive to the park, hopefully making the dog park easier to find, followed by a review of the dog park. We focus on things parks should include, like a good fence, the amount of area for dogs to run around, how well maintained the park is, whether or not there are lights for shorter days, shade for both owners and dogs, etc. We try to give you all the facts about local parks and be your go to guide. New England Dog News is a great resource for all things dogs. We provide you with not only park reviews, but health, training, safety tips, dog news, and fun things to do with your dog. If you are looking for dog parks in Massachusetts, dog parks in Connecticut or dog parks in Rhode Island, we have reviews of the best off-leash parks in New England. To check out everything canine, visit us at: http://www.NewEnglandDogNews.com