
Simcity (2013) http://www.simcity.com/ Hey guys, Simcity is a city builder where you attempt to be a good mayor and make your sims happy. You have to balance your budget as you try to supply goods and services to your hard working sims. From booming high tech cities to crime ridden casinos cities. You have a lot of choices but you can't have it all. Simcity was created by Maxis and published by EA Games. If you enjoy these video's then come check out more from the Dx Gamer Show. As OperationDx (Michael Waddle) plays all kinds of games. And explore what gaming has to offer. If you enjoy your time watching the Dx Gamer show then go ahead and hit the Like button. As it will help this channel grow. The music in this video was created by me Michael Waddle. And as the creator of this music I own the rights. https://twitter.com/OperationDx http://www.facebook.com/DxGamerShow http://michaelwaddle.bandcamp.com/