
This program was sponsored by the University of Illinois Extension Units 24 & 25 in conjunction with the Wayne County Farm Bureau, White County Farm Bureau, Hamilton County Farm Bureau, and Gallatin County Farm Bureau. Part 1 and Part 2 features Chris Penrose, Associate Professor and Extension Educator with Ohio State Univeristy. Penrose discusses the basics of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing in addtion to the positive and negative implications that he has seen as part of the natural gas drilling in Ohio. Part 3 and Part 4 features Clif Little, Associate Professor and Extension Educator with Ohio State Univeristy. Little reviews the various provisions in an oil and gas lease, and empahsizes how all provisions in lease are negotiable. The program was organized as an informational meeting for area landowners and farmers. More information on the oil and gas boom in Illinois can be found at www.waynecfb.com.