
If you wanna try the farm life, you'd better check this video out before! Hopefully it will give you an idea of what picking veggies and fruits means to obtain a Visa means. From start of the day, hostel life, travel by car, picking in the field, working conditions... You name it. Working for 3 months in a farm (as well as in a fishing boat or in the Outback mines) is the only way to obtain a Second Working Holiday Visa in Australia (not to be confused with a regular working Visa). Choose wisely where to spend this period, because some area are incredible isolated. Normally the ease of the jobs and the wages are directly proportional to the distance from any crowd area or attraction. This means "the more you're isolated" than "the more you get paid". Of course this is not always true, so always check the average feedback about a place before going to spend three months of your life in the middle of nothing! Said that, good luck buddy! Hello to every fruit picker in Mildura, Victoria (where this video was produced). PS: Following I posted all the places where I work with a personal review. Hope you find this helpful. MILDURA ** out of ***** (closest farm area to Melbourne, be careful to scams) CHILDERS **** out of ***** (small Queensland's town with probably around 30 houses, but more than 6 pubs) BUNDABERG *** out of ***** (if you like Rhum, you'll love this country town) CARNARVON ** OUT OF ***** (literally in the middle of nothing but outback sand) DENMARK **** out of ***** (a hippy place for hippies persons... LOVE IT... Easy surf for ideal for beginners) MARGARET RIVER ******************* out of ***** (if I had the chance I'll move there: picking grapes for 30$/hour for 5 hours a day and surfing the rest of the time... You need a Car in order to enjoy this little coast town, otherwise forget the surf :)