
Results from one study show that 75 percent of elephants living in American zoos are overweight. Based on these statistics an elephant conservation group called the Ndovo Foundation has written a proposal for a 49 hundred acre farm in California where overweight elephants will be fed a healthy diet and given plenty of room to exercise. Some African elephants living in zoos have a serious weight problem. Elephants are the largest animal living on land, and many of them are living in captivity, where eating a healthy natural diet and getting enough exercise can be a challenge. Results from one study show that 75 percent of elephants living in American zoos are overweight. Based on these statistics an elephant conservation group called the Ndovo Foundation has written a proposal for a 49 hundred acre farm in California where overweight elephants will be fed a healthy diet and given plenty of room to exercise. The Ndovo Foundation is "dedicated to conservation and protection of African elephants. Its first project will seek to redefine elephant captivity in a manner that respects and protects their nature." Representatives from the Ndovo Foundation are reportedly in negotiations to purchase Diamond Ranch located in Tehama County, Northern California. The Tehama County Cattlemen's Association is reportedly concerned about the land and water supply that would be necessary for taking care of the elephants, and how that will compete with local agricultural interests.