
Bigfoot sightings are easily one of the most mysterious phenomena taking place in our world. There have been multiple sightings of this strange creature in America and elsewhere. Most conclusions from people who look into and research this subject inevitably come to either one of two conclusions... the first one is that it is assumed that it is a surviving member of an ape species from long ago or a still surviving species of a"prehistoric" class of human beings or something of that nature. But is there a more supernatural and evil explanation for all of these Bigfoot encounters? Some of the peculiar experiences that people have encountered when coming in sight of this/these creatures have no sensible explanation. What is not widely known is that sightings of these creatures are commonly accompanied by phenomena attributed to beings known as demons. Their appearance is likely to be accompanied by ghostly rapping in the homes of nearby residents, unidentifiable noises, the levitation or translocation of ordinary household objects, disembodied voices and flying lights in the night. In one of the most famous cases, two of these creatures were seen walking away from a flying "bubble of light" after it landed on the Pulaski farm near Greensburg, Pennsylvania. On the night of October 25, 1973, state police were summoned after residence of a family farm were literally frightened out of their wits by the hairy giants who walked toward them. Stephen Pulaski tried to shoot them with a hunting rifle, but they seemed unhurt, and merely walked back into the woods. In the summer of 1972, a series of typical encounters were reported... this time in northeastern Missouri. Locals and the news media dubbed the creature "Momo" (short for Missouri Monster). The first sighting was experienced by two young women who had just laid out a picnic lunch in a wooded and remote area. As they were eating, the creature appeared in the brush nearby. One of them recalled, "We were eating lunch when we both wrinkled up our noses at the same time. I never smelled anything as bad in my whole life." Reportedly, the creature smelled as bad as a whole family of skunks. They ran to their car and locked themselves in. When the creature found that it couldn't open the doors, it contented itself to eat their picnic lunch and amble back into the woods. Another encounter involved the "Kaiser" family of Rising Sun, Indiana. They had a rather typical experience during the month of May, 1969. On the evening of the 18th, the power to their rural home blacked out for two hours. Unknown to them, their surrounding neighbors had watched glowing UFOs in the vicinity of their house on that night and the night before. Their sun checked around the farm, trying to establish the cause of the blackout. He was confronted by one of the typical giant, hairy, smelly beasts - frightening beyond description. A reporter (Jerome Clark) who covered the case writes, "When Kaiser, who had been standing transfixed, moved, the creature made a strange grunting-like sound, turned, leaped over a ditch and disappeared." Modern man is bedeviled by many such phenomena. Hauntings, poltergeist phenomena, "psychic" behavior, bigfoot sightings and UFOs all exhibit the vexatious tendency to avoid capture. Those who study this phenomenon quickly realize that these monstrous animals exhibit all the transitory characteristics described in traditional demonology. Over the years, various hunting parties have had these creatures surrounded, but their ever-tightening hunting circles converged upon nothing. As these phenomena become increasingly prominent, it will be yet another compelling evidence to believe that we are living in the closing days just before the worldwide judgments of the biblical "tribulation period" begin. Although this documentary documents and presents the mystery, it does not explore the demon aspect of this phenomenon. The link to the article below will explain not only where these creatures come from, but also what these creatures really are. Also provided is a link to a video describing their connection to Hell and the Underworld. VALLEY OF THE GIANTS http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/giants/valley-of-the-giants.htm WHO WERE THE LEGENDARY GIANTS? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0XWIxKXugw On a seperate note, there is a frightening and growing phenomenon being experienced by many people as the days grow darker and we approach the end times. This phenomenon is known as "The Black Eyed Kids." Encounters with these so-called "kids" exhibit all the signs of demon manifestations, including a horrible and foul odor that accompanies them ... serving to prove that Bigfoot sightings and Black Eyed Kids manifestations all come from the same, demonic source. I'll leave the link below. THE ALBERINO ANALYSIS: THE BLACK EYED KIDS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gx3k8uGQ-lY