
Farm in Schools and backyard farming is gaining more popularity as communities are taking more notice to where their food comes from not only here in Hawaii but also on the Mainland. John and Ange Dilworth are taking these ideas seriously back in their home state of Pennsylvania where John is leading his high school students at Episcopal Academy and Ange is leading the charge at home in their own backyard garden. Their goal is to grow food not only for themselves, but to also teach the next generation including their own two children. ThinkTechHawaii.com streams live on the Internet from 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm every weekday afternoon, Hawaii Time, then streaming earlier shows through the night. Check us out any time for great content and great community. Our vision is to be a leader in shaping a more vital and thriving Hawaii as the foundation for future generations. Our mission is to be the leading digital media platform raising pubic awareness and promoting civic engagement in Hawaii.