
What if you could buy fresh fruit and vegetables each week, grown by a local farmer? Anne Cure of Cure Organic Farm in Boulder, Colorado explains how CSAs, a term which stands for Community Supported Agriculture, allow consumers to purchase subscriptions from local farmers, and in return receive weekly boxes of fresh produce while getting to know the people who grow their food. "CSA" Anne P. Cure Cure Organic Farm Boulder, Colorado Co-owner of Cure Organic Farm, Anne and her husband Paul, live and work on their farm. Anne believes that community involvement is crucial in the revival of small family farms and is dedicated to using sustainable methods that help to maintain a healthy farm ecosystem. "Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) = Buying a CSA membership means entering into partnership with a local farm. The member buys a subscription at the beginning of the season. This cash infusion allows the farmer to pay for seed, water, equipment and labor early season when farm expenses are high and farm income is low. In return the farm provides its members with a box of fresh picked seasonal produce each week. CSAs build community by reconnecting its members to the seasons and fostering relationships between members and the people who grow their food - Ann Cure, Cure Organic Farms in Boulder, CO http://www.cureorganicfarm.com/index.htm "Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) = a mutually sustaining relationship between the consumer (shareholder) and the farmer whereby each looks out for the other's needs and well-being. The Consumer and Producer join hands and stand face-to-face in a flux of self-interest and empathy. -- John Peterson, Angelic Organics in Caledonia, IL http://www.angelicorganics.com/ Eating In Season -- Eating locally grown food harvested during a time of year expressly suited for an individual crop or animal. Food Shed -- A contiguous geographic area that supplies its inhabitants with the majority of its food needs. Local -- Food produced by and for a community. Help us caption & translate this video! http://amara.org/v/EwCx/