
Sunday(6-3-2016) :- Farming is vanishing as a occupation and along with it the traditional village sport of buffalo racing called "Kambla". Chickens are easy to breed and hence the favourite village gambling sport of 'Cock-Fighting" still exists although officially considered a illegal sport.a prized .Here is a "Fighter Cock" bred in a cage while other roosting chickens had a separate cage.It was dusk and getting dark and this bird was a real beauty as are all fighting cocks..On inquiries with the house owner was told that the bird cost Rs 3000.Cock Fighting is a very popular local village sport in South Canara districts of Karnataka specially patronized by the Shetty community.The Philippines is the capital of the sport of Cock-fighting where it is legalized national passtime and held in stadiums in the capital Manila. Read my blog on cockfighting :- :http://cockfightinglegalandillegal.blogspot.in/ - Seafarer/Blogger/Traveller Rudolph.A.Furtado