
Buy an acre of raw land, near power lines. Install 100 solar panels. Start a solar farm. It is a smart way to make a $$ million. Sell solar energy onto the grid. This is the age of Solar gold. Solar gushers. More millionaires will be made on Solar Farms, in the next 5 years, than in any other field. Solar panels last 40 years. The cost of the 100 panels is recovered in 3 years. After 3 years is is all cash flow. Live on the land in an RV with solar panels on the roof. Eliminate nuclear power with solar panels. Your investment will be $1,000. for an empty lot. 4 solar panels from Costco or Home Depot $3,000. An RV to live in $3,000. You can now add new panels each month. This is a better investment than stocks, which lose money most of the time. If you are age 20, you will now have a solar farm for life, that will feed & house you as you build your new Geo theramal Berm house on the lot. Add a wind mill. Many banks will loan $20,000. with such a business plan. Carbon emissions cerficates can be traded or used as international credit. Those who emit over their permited volumes may purchase "emission rights" from others who emit less than their allocated maximum. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) allows companies to exceed safe and reasonable limits, by buying themselves out of their own CO2 limits. If every country fulfills its obligations, there is no trade in certificates. However is another country pollutes beyonds what is safe, they can buy a certificate. Still, the pollution level grows. It was clear from the outset that this "Zero Sum Game" of minimual obligations would lead nowhere and therefore Hermann Scheer voted against it. And lead a movement against it. It was based on the guidelines for implementing the obligations of Kyoto Protocols with the European Union. Our air is not for sale. Carbon trading slows down the necessary and an immediate need for transition to emission free energy supply, of solar & renewables, rather than speeding it up by allowing polluters to buy credits. Advocates of carbon trading praise it as the most effective climate protection measure. Indeed, economists, businesses and pliticians have all raised their voices to call for the abolition of any other political instrument, such as FEED IN TARIFFS, which propelled Germany to become the greenist nation in the world, with the most solar panels and renewable energy. Many environmental organizations like WWF, Greenpeace, justify their support for "flexible instruments" by arguing that they represent the only steps that can be agreed upon at world climate conferences of all countries. We are all asked to engage with this idea for the next step -- the Kyoto II agreement for 2012. The study "Carbon Trading - Why it fails", by the Dag Hammaskhold Foundation, proves the idea is bankrupt and will not work as well as Feed In Tariffs. If one country invests in solar, wind & renewables, it "allows" rich, dirty nations to exceed their carbon cap & pollute. They just buy credits for CO2. But CO2 is not the only problem. Massive amounts of heat come from cooling every nuclear reactor & destroy the oceans. Nations are not taxed for that pollution, because it is not an obvious CO2 release. But any heat added to the atmosphere makes the world climate crisis worse. Efforts by nations to reach for 100% renewable energy are not given credit for the solutions they offer. Solutions that are real. The conceptual trap laid by the world climate confereances is disguising the problem. Germany is the only nation actually on a valid course to ending nuclear power pollution by paying home owners 2X the market rate for electricity made from solar, wind, Geo thermal or hydro. As long as only one nation is working to stop the climate crisis, as long as other nations do not follow Germany best policy example, the environment is doomed. The children of the rich & poor alike will die from air pollution. Every person on earth now has the power to help stop global warming, by installing even just 10 solar panels on their home or farm. Ask not what your government can do for you. Ask what you can do to save the environment.