
Uruguay and Argentina produce blood plasma for the European pig-meat industry. It is a million dollar business, which has been running for 30 years and beyond reach of any control from the EU and Swiss authorities. The blood is of interest for the European veterinary pharmaceutical industry, as it contains the hormone PMSG (Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin). PMSG is used by the European pig-meat industry; it induces sows to reach heat faster and by applying it to the whole herd of sows, it is possible to plan births synchronously. As a result, the pig business is more efficient. „Tens of thousands of mares are systematically tortured for this blood business. In order for European piglet producers to make their business more profitable, the mares are made pregnant, exsanguinated and their foals aborted”, criticises Sabrina Gurtner, project manager at the Tierschutzbund Zürich. TSB president York Ditfurth calls for the EU Commission and the Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary Services BLV “to prohibit the import of PMSG from South America“.