
India is huge and has extremely population-dense cities. Bangalore for example, with 11 million inhabitants, is the third biggest city in India and has doubled its population in just 14 years. One can imagine that Vertical Farming and a good food strategy is of utmost importance if you want to keep a city like that healthy and resilient. On the 2nd and 3rd of November of 2015, an international Vertical Farming conference was held in the city of Bangalore. In this video you can enjoy interviews with some of the 250 people attending the first high level event on Vertical Farming in India, ever. More info on Vertical farming: www.vertical-farming.net Interviewers: Zjef Van Acker and Susanna Loessl (Association for Vertical Farming) - Richard Stoner - President Agrihouse inc. / Father of aeroponics (USA) -Dr Giggin T. - Assistent professor Kerala agriculture university (India) - Dr H.P. Sumangala - Indian institute of horticultural research - Dr Aswat - Indian institute of horticultural research - Dilib Joshi - Synerbuild systems (India) - Dr. Seetharam Annadana - head of biological assessment technologies Syngenta - Mohan Bajikar - Vertical Farming Association India - Moorthi Karthikisan - CEO SMKG Biogreen (Malaysia) - Vijay Yelmalle - CRAFT (India) - CV prakash - Father of Indian hydroponics - Collin Marry - PermaPigs (Ireland) Special Apearance: Mike Vermeij More info on Vertical farming: www.vertical-farming.net