
Have you ever seen a cow stable within the area of an airfield? The airfield Kägiswil is located in Central Switzerland at an idyllic place with green hills and lots of farms around. No wonder that the airfield is just located within this idyllic scenery. The cow stable hosts more than eighty cows and one bull. I guess they enjoy the sound of the propeller-driver airplanes starting and landing next doors... ;-) Location: http://maps.google.ch/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=de&geocode=&q=K%C3%A4giswil&sll=46.362093,9.036255&sspn=3.66958,7.229004&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Sarnen,+Obwalden&ll=46.904842,8.250464&spn=0.003548,0.00706&t=h&z=17 Information about the airfield (in German): http://www.motorfliegen.ch/